* W. Wayne Liauh (w...@hawaiilinux.us) wrote:
> > We try to document the known issues with each build
> > via the release
> > notes.  In many cases, some of the issues won't be
> > seen from internal
> > testing for whatever reason (lack of certain
> > hardware, limited testing
> > in other locales, different set of packages
> > installed).  As each set of
> > release notes document:
> We ALL understand that.  But my main point is:
> "I am vehemently pissed off by not seeing a warning on the release
> notes about build 107 not being to boot from VirtualBox. A lot of my
> time was unproductively wasted. But I am more concerned about its
> implications.

It wasn't release noted because it wasn't seen.  Do you honestly believe
that we would neglect to mention something of that nature if we had
concrete information that it was in fact a problem?

I've installed/upgraded 107 on physical hardware as well as virtualbox
and not seen a boot problem.

That being said, I did see email on another list about 107 (I believe)
and virtualbox issues that were related to having the guest additions
installed.  I don't know if that has any bearing on the failure you've
seen, but perhaps if you have installed the guest additions you could
try uninstalling them and see if that makes any difference.  It seemed
to in the other case I saw.

While I agree with you that running into bugs is sub-optimal, it's the
price one pays for running bits that are undergoing constant change and
development.  Not only that, but not everyone runs into the same bugs
even though they may be running the same software in seemingly the same
way.  That's just the way software is.

If you don't want to run the risk of running into surprises, then don't
run the development builds.  If you choose to run the development builds
you can probably be assured you're going to run into problems of one
sort or another no matter how hard everyone tries to make each build FCS
quality (which is in fact a goal, though it certainly doesn't always
happen).  This is precisely one of the reasons we have the release vs
dev repositories.


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