

First we don't put any computers on public sale for two reasons:  first
we did this 10 years ago and every one that bought one then thought the
school was their tech support and called us many times about things that
were wrong with them - of course things were wrong with them - that is
why we didn't use them.  Secondly, we seriously do use them until they
die - we then scrap them for parts such as hard drives, CD-ROM,
monitors, keyboards, etc...  If a computer is just too old and slow to
go on the network or will still run but not our programs - we will part
it out if possible, if not, we send EVERYTHING to recycling.  We do let
teachers have some OLD ones in their classrooms - trust me when they
start to use them and they are very very slow and don't work good - they
will not keep asking for more.


Kevin Richardson, Technology Director

Estherville Lincoln Central Community Schools

Estherville, IA 51334


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Murray Gafkjen
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:49 AM
Subject: RE: [info-tech] Venting and question


I'm assuming they're macs, can they all run 10.4? (let alone 10.5). I
tried surfing on one running 10.2, I think it was truly laughing at me.
If I still had to support win95 to 2000, that would be crazy.  When
teachers wanted to keep the IIe's and then later the powermacs, we would
not provide tech support, and once dead, it was sent to recycle.


Speaking of such, we will have a lab of imac (400 mhz) this summer for
any interested party.  We intend to add another mobile lab in its place.


Remember your significant other!!!! 


Murray Gafkjen

Clay Central Everly


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Lennon
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:59 AM
Subject: [info-tech] Venting and question


So I am getting machines ready for public sale (these machines have been
replaced). Now every teacher (okay not every, but quite a few) is asking
why I don't place them in the classrooms.  They all "need" more
computers and feel that they should get these prior to them being sold.
I explain that these machines are old and that we have a replacement
policy in place and if I keep placing older computers in rooms, then I
will eventually have to manage some 50,000 machines (yeah that is an
exageration, but give me some artistic license here).


So I am asking all of you, how do you handle this type of request (Other
than "Want in one hand and "spit" in the other")


Do any of you have written policies on computer replacement, public
auction, computer to student ratio.


I am just battling the staff on this and am very frustrated.  One
staffer has a close relationship (spouse) to a board member who is now
raising a bit of a stink even though that said board member voted to
okay the sale.  UGGHHH!


Pulling out the remainder of my hair, please send any info.




"When I die I'm going to leave my body to science fiction." 

    ~Steven Wright


Lance L. Lennon

District Technology Director

Eagle Grove Community School District




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