FWIW I am for "namespaces" because:

- the functionality mentioned most often as missing in PHP is
'namespaces'. People want 'namespaces' (see
- What they really want is no more clashing
classes/functions/variables when they integrate third party apps
(which the patch provides)
- What they also want is no more clashing objects/functions when a new
PHP extension becomes installed by default (Date anyone?) (which the
patch provides)
- PHP convention is one class-per-file,  ergo, following convention
would mean braces are not required anyway.
- Dmitri gets the kudos for introducing PHPs most asked for feature,
instead of 'packages' which no one has asked for.
- The patch introduces naming spaces. at a per-file level.
- Packages suggests a connection between folder structure and file
contents of which there is none.

Purely from a PR point of view, 'namespaces' is going to be a winner
amongst users and 90% of people will wish for a braces implementation,
while 'packages'  is likely to generate more demands for something
called 'namespaces'
Marc Gear

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