
Sorry to disappoint you, but your idea is wrong.

If PHP team release in the news:

PHP has namespace support!
PHP has package support!

Everyone will understand what does that mean. Those that do not
understand are the ones that had never worked with it and can work in
the future (and will have enough time to know what a package is).


On 8/15/07, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's not about the popularity of a word, but the meaning of it. If it
> > resembles more of a package, let's call it package (as it does
> Could you give definition of what is a package, so we could see if it
> resembles more of a package or less?
> > currently, namespace should be nested.. but that's my opinion).
> Namespace is a mechanism to create separate contexts ("spaces") in which
> same names could co-exist without being confused with each other.
> Nothing says it should be hierarchical or have any specific properties
> like that. BTW, if you read about Java, even though the keyword used in
> Java is "package", the functionality is often called "namespace".
> Quoting Wikipedia again: "In the Java programming language, the idea of
> a namespace is embodied in Java packages." and "Unlike C++, namespaces
> in Java are not hierarchical". This is understandable - saying "package"
> does not invoke any specific concept, while "namespace" does. If we tell
> "PHP now has packages" it can mean anything. If we say "PHP now has
> namespaces" virtually everybody would instantly understand what we talk
> about. We could, of course, say "PHP now has namespaces which are called
> packages" - but wouldn't it sound, well, weird?
> --
> Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
> (408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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