Hello Markus,

  none of what you said is what I wrote. If you knew me than you would know
that I would never go this route. In fact I have always been open for
discussions. However in this particular case we are speaking about absolute
blockage. He is not willing to even discuss but rather shuts down any
ongoing effort to make progress. Ok, you can be against all our ideas in any
form but you have to understand what and why we discuss and since noone owns
PHP as a single person no single person has the right to decide. So all we
can do is participating in discussions and finding workable solutions. If
someone is not willing to do so then all we can do is count the vote and
respect it. But it is not acceptable to continously trying to prevent any
ongoing efforts.


Sunday, February 3, 2008, 9:04:57 AM, you wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

> Hello,

> sorry to jump into here

> Marcus Boerger wrote:
> |   I spoke about you as you left no room for discussions. You are not willing
> | to compromise in any way, nor are you willing to be productive in any way.
> | So there is no way in keeping you in discussions, is there? And no, we are
> | no having any closed discussions. But we are having discussions because we
> | want progress, productivity and we like to get more help.

> But, Marcus, this sounds very strange. Unless someone shares the same ideology
> with you he is being escorted away from the discussions?

> Your point about Pierre "You are not willing to compromise in any way, nor are
> you willing to be productive in any way." is something I can absolutely not
> follow. I've read every single email. Just because you could not convince him
> with your ideas (or, for the matter, the ideas of the newly suggested process
> from Wez and others) does *not* mean is in unwilling.

> It simply means you have not found arguments to convince him.

> The only thing I can read between the lines is some kind of impatience and,
> please excuse my wording but is on purpose, it sounds immature.

> Long to short: "Unless you think the way we think, we don't want you here."

> You make it sound like "progress, productivity and get more help" is only
> accepted in the direction you're heading. But for openness and democracy this
> is not acceptable.

> thanks for reading this,
> - - Markus
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

> iD8DBQFHpXWp1nS0RcInK9ARAnBZAJ928I83vNN23bhkXZ82mowy6VuV9QCeI3Q5
> oQ98shWUEDyOoyC3GgR+8YM=
> =uquW

Best regards,

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