On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Steph Fox wrote:

> > As with so many topics on this list, I have no authority to influence
> > the outcome. I personally think they've all got rules to instantly
> > delete my email (but that's cause I'm paranoid).
> That's rubbish Richard - in some ways you're the most important person on the
> list. Odd, eh?
> > I think allowing the the hints and them to be enforced if E_STRICT is
> > set is the way to go.
> Speaking as a -0, I tend to think that's a bit too close to a +1. But others
> may think otherwise.

I still we should add simple static typehints (ie. just the types that 
we use in the manual) - and they should behave in the same way as the 
other type hints that we laready have.


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ezcomponents.org | http://xdebug.org

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