Well this is turning into a real flamefest.

Personally I really HATE the 5.3 implementation of "typehints" - heck you can't even typehint arrays with an arrayobject instance, it's not hinting in any way shape or form and is generally broken.

On the other hand I'd like to be able to have the same control of parameters in my userland code that I do in extensions - namely the same control I get with zend_parse_parameters. And the same errors/warnings I get with zend_parse_parameters

Any reason we can't expose the logic included there into userland? Would make internal functions and userland functions work the same and act the same.

Anyway, at this point there's a lot of arguing and very little consensus. I'm kind of tempted to say maybe all the people on the internals mailing list are a bit myopic in their viewpoints, and maybe this does need to get out to a wider community (php.general perhaps?) since the guy hacking on a wordpress plugin is every bit as much a PHP user as any of us.

Elizabeth M Smith

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