Sounds reasonable.

2011/6/1 Johannes Schlüter <>:
> On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 13:45 +0200, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
>> > This variant is not workable, because there are (in the example) in 2014
>> > *five* branches. Merging between those, manually and automatically is
>> > going to be a major pain. I'd say we all rather want to focus our time
>> > on fixes and new features; and not spend more time doing branch merging,
>> > whatever tool we use for this.
>> This is similar to my initial point about the proposal. We need to
>> figure out a way to have fewer active bug-fix branches, just because
>> it make dev live very difficult. Derick I am not sure your example is
>> much better, since you still have 4 active branches (if I am reading
>> the diagram correctly). I think 3 active bug fix branches, with maybe
>> 1 security fixes only branches is the most we should have.
> I mentioned this before: I like the Ubuntu model:
> * One development branch for the next version
> * One current version
> * One "long term" supported version
> The current version is aimed to give early access to new features, to
> avoid cases like traits which take years to come out while a bit more
> conservative users (and maybe distros) may stay on the LTS. Once a new
> "current" comes out there won't be fixes for the previous anymore.
> Every n-th "current" release will be a long term supported (LTS) release
> receiving only only only bug fixing and the older it gets the more
> critical bugs, only. What "long term" means can be discussed.
> It is open for discussion if a LTS version will directly terminate the
> previous LTS version or whether an LTS version will be released instead
> of an "current" version, so for one period there would be two LTS but no
> "current" branch.
> johannes

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