On Fri, 3 Jun 2011, Stas Malyshev wrote:

> > Voting on the wiki? Yuck. If you want participation, do it here on the
> > mailinglist and store the record in the wiki. If all "votes" are showing
> Voting on ML is messy and means somebody needs to read every message on the
> list and look for votes, however long, tedious and offtopic the discussion
> gets. Voting with, well, voting application is clean, automatic and efficient.
> I don't understand why we should use medium that is unfit for the purpose
> instead of using applications specifically designed for doing what we try to
> do.

Yes, it's messy on ML. My points where:
- a call to vote is easily drowned out on the ML with all the noise
- editting votes on a wiki can too easily be manipulated (I could just 
  change your votes, and there would be no trail).

And IMO, those two things should be sorted out before we "decide" to do 
votes by editting some page on some wiki.


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