Am 04.09.2011 11:54, schrieb Tomas Kuliavas:
> 2011.09.04 12:13 Reindl Harald rašė:
>> Am 04.09.2011 06:37, schrieb Stas Malyshev:
>>> Hi!
>>> On 9/2/11 6:51 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>>>> Forget the failed tests. A new PHP release is about improving the
>>>> ecosystem. If the folks that maintain libmysql and mysqlnd suggest that
>>>> mysqlnd is more robust and it is the path forward, why would we resist
>>>> this? Do we not trust Oracle/MySQL enough to listen to their input?
>>> Because of the little thing called BC?
>> what the hell are you speaking about?
> A little thing called backwards compatibility. If you change the way
> extension behaves and some application depends on that kind of behavior,
> it will break that application.

well but mysqlnd is not new and well tested in the wild
the only problem is that libmysql-support was not removed with
the first 5.3 version, so we would have no discussion now

>>> Right now I have at least two tests suggesting mysqlnd has different
>>> semantics than libmysql,
>> so why are these not reported upstream 1 year ago and fixed?
> Since when third party implementation can impose own standards on primary
> library implementation? Different semantics is not a bug for libmysql

AFAIK was mysqlnd also from sun/mysqlab/oracle

anyways - the only thing what is intereresting me why in the world are
failing tests ignored over years and the more or less broken code
or if the code is not broken the test himslef not fixed

why in the world does php permanently introduce redundances and
never cleanup them?

"mysql_escape_string" and "mysql_real_escape_string" is the best example
now we have libmysql, mysqlnd and both used by mysql_* and mysqli_* instead
release PHP 5.3 with removing mysql_*-functions and only msqlnd

how long do we not have these ballast as everybody can see by for long times 
tests not really maintained

my main-question is for what reason are tests introduced if nobofy caers about 
for months and years? problems without any tests are hapenning and the reason
for making tests, but ignoring failed tests is simply stupid - everywhere 
if we are speaking about opensource or commercial software

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