Tom Boutell wrote:
Knock it off with the ad-hominem attacks please.

You are entitled to your views, but I suspect that this would be a nail far too far. I for one would be only too happy to cut loose and keep a REAL copy of PHP running as all this ballast is simply destroying what used to be an agile scripting language.

Anybody for RealPHP and roll back to say 5.2 and strip out anything not needed at run time :) All this 'hinting' and 'moaning' at what always used to be perfectly good code is the pain in the posterior. STRICT is going to take me months to assimilate, so simply switching back to a version that does not have it and keeping perfectly good sites running makes more sense than discussing changes that need every file the thousands currently running on my system reviewing ... I'm currently having to review every site to check it will even run cleanly on 5.3 when the ISP loads that up next month!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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