On 07-04-2012 03:10, John Crenshaw wrote:
Seriously, if you're so angry that you can't even type straight you should take
a break before responding. Any argument delivered like this won't be well
received anyway. Take a break, find your place of zen, respond when you can be
Do you have no idea how to maintain a level of professionalism when
interacting with the opinions and ideas of other developers?
i have ideas how to do so
but i learned over many years that people do not understand that they have
really bad ideas if you say freindly "not a godd idea"
Wow. I'm honestly shocked. That's the crux of it isn't it? Trouble is that this
sort of response violates the rules of the mailing list; rules that we all
agreed to. It also isn't going to go over well with the type of people you have
here. This is not a productive communication tactic, this is bullying. If you
are unwilling to be civil and rational I have to ask, why are you even here?
John Crenshaw
Priacta, Inc.
John, I completely agree with you. I would like to urge Reindl to
please, PLEASE, reconsider your response, at least once, preferably even
more often, before posting it. In this thread alone, you have personally
attacked Tom Boutell for no good reason. Your responses were generally
very very rude, and may easily (and in my opinion rightfuly so) be
considered personal attacks.
Again, I urge you to reconsider posting such messages. The rules of
conduct on these mailinglists include section on exactly this. They are
there to remind us all to be civil. We do not attack eachother in the
way you do. Instead, you may politely state your view, but do not yell,
scream, or try to force your views on others.
I would suggest you reread what you have posted, and try to imagine what
it would look like from other reader's points of view. Personally I felt
very unpleasant reading your responses. I was hoping it would be a
one-time-only post, born from anger on a bad day, and that it would be
followed by an apology. Unfortunately, you continued posting this way.
I am sorry I had to write this. But I feel we should all stand up for
To tell the truth I'd be more excited by a proposal to kill <?php
entirely, or more realistically, to support an alternate file
extension that doesn't need it. That would be an interesting option
for those who want to put "dribs and drabs of PHP sprinkled in HTML"
completely behind them.
Tom: I agree with your point. I think it would be nice to be able to
create PHP codefiles which do not require the <?php start. But IMO it
would just be a nice-to-have thing, and not really that important, since
I'm not that bothered by using <?php at the start of every file.
Just my $0.02,
- Tul
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