On Wed, 2012-04-18 at 10:23 +0200, Gustavo Lopes wrote:
> I think the issue is not who, in general terms, can vote, but how a  
> determination that someone is covered by those terms is made.
> What is a "known" OSS project? For instance, which of these would
> qualify:  
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_application_frameworks#PHP ?

If the vote is bound to the other project: does this mean the other
project has to decide about a "delegate"? Could the organisation revoke
that delegation or replace him? Would we therefore only work with
projects which are setup properly? (This would mean that a project
organized like PHP won't get a vote)

Right now accounts (and therefore voting rights) are handed out based on
individual contributions. And I think that's a good model to follow for
the votes.

The way I understood the rule was to be able to give regular
participants in discussions, (assuming they actually make useful
contributions ;-) ) voting karma even though they don't contribute code.
And I wonder why that should have more precise rules than the ones we
use to hand out accounts. Basically every candidate I imagine could get
a "proper" account easily, if they want.


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