To Zeev and the rest of internals,

I know this will be a long e-mail but I'm not a guy who goes to conferences
(I don't have money for that), I've been into seven companies until now,
each with various use cases for PHP and I'm trying to contribute to some
open source projects from PHP scene.

You say that most of the users don't speak so I'll try to speak as my
previous attempts where ignored...

Let's start with the broken image about PHP 5.4 and adoption rate.

I'm not sure where, but today was given the argument of not doing userland
BC breaks while in 5.x branch, yet you just did that for 5.4 and now you use
it as a reference for adoption rate.

PHP 5.4 adoption rate is the best indicator but not for the number of
who like new features but rather for the number of people who can afford to
run without APC or have clean code.

Why do I say that? Consider this: since there's no common API for XCache/
Zend (forgot it's name) and other opcode accelerators/cachers I can't
to use another alternative. And who's to say they don't suffer from their
bugs? Do you know what happens when I ask my NOC guys to install some
new extension? Things like: is it stable? Will it crash and burn my very
sensitive yet stable servers? Is it faster/slower that the alternatives?
the changes alone will make my company waste more money that having
me coming up with clever ways to provide workarounds or design things for
them so that upgrades like this can be avoided.

PHP 5.4 broke yet another thing. You've removed usage of register_globals.
That's a great thing but you've locked out many shared hosts as they can't
upgrade without making the customers upgrade their code first. That might
not even be possible for some people. I happen to maintain such a badly
written application, but it's working like that since 2002 and I can't
that my employer will ask me to upgrade it at some point to make it
compatible with 5.4+. But I can do that, can you say the same thing for the
rest of the world?

I'd love to use traits in projects, there's great usage for them,
especially when
you go and write OOP code, the proper way... Can I do it? Sure, I have a
VPS which allows me to experiment but that's about it.

Thank God, you'll stop supporting 5.3 next year which is actually the reason
for why I'll be porting the application to 5.4, if possible, if not, 5.3
then 5.4
another time ;)

Why do I need those new features in the first place?

Just because I might be experimented enough in order to understand the
benefits from having them and how to use them to their true potential.

I don't understand feature X? Well ok, I need to read more about it. But
some smarter guys that make frameworks, ORMs, CMSs and other
large adopted and used PHP applications understand them, want them
need them to provide better code for people to use, learn from and write.

You think that majority of people write PHP in a professional way?

Could very well be true, in your countries, in mine, the focus is on getting
things done, nice if possible, if not, don't sacrifice the business time to
write nice code. I still manage to write nice code under these conditions
because I want to do more in life that be a simple code monkey. Every
monkey can write code, not every monkey can think beyond the next
echo they'll write.

Then there's Wordpress.

I'm still waiting for a day when the code base from Wordpress won't be
given as a negative example but Wordpress runs on a biiig number of

Do you really really want the opinion of users about a certain RFC?

Put up a pool on the website and promote it on the frontpage, Zend
mailing list, forums and so on. Announce it at least one week before
it runs and run it for two weeks. That should prove accurate enough
from people interested in the language itself. Those who are not
interested shouldn't count anyway.

How that RFC will be implemented is obviously another thing, but
it should be contained by internals not subject to public voting.

But the core needs more contributors.

Yes, I could be one. Why I'm not a contributor to the core? Well
here's a couple of interesting things:
- I haven't learned/used C until now, I've learned Pascal in
highschool, then Java at university and I've done programming
in PHP for seven years now. Not once I've needed, wanted to
learn C (until today that is);
- my time outside of work is limited and have to split it up between
many things (like most of you)
- I need to learn more PHP, more design patterns, more systems
architecture, more anything that's not related to C but rather
systems, patterns and anything else that I can so that I can
write better software for my employer, keep up with new people
coming after me, provide solutions that save me code, my
employer money and is easy to understand by people that
will maintain after I'll leave my job;
- PHP is written in C not in PHP which means that unlike people
that write C all day, for me C is another way of thinking about
things, way different that my main language;
- PHP core is not documented properly, people have said
this for a long time now. Even if I'll get a grip of C in the next
month, there's no reason to say I'll be able to write something
for PHP in the next 3-6 months;

Here's another thing that Rasmus said. It sounded sort-of like
this: If companies about a certain size would have at least one
guy that knows C and help out fixing PHP bugs that they
encounter/grow the core then things will be better.

I agree but then there's the cruel reality where such a person
will be useless from business pov for like 99.9% of the time.
Would you hire me at any company to learn C, which I'm
confident I'll do pretty fast, then keep me working on PHP

People who work on Facebook couldn't get their patches in,
for various reasons, but they weren't helped as well to get
them done ( for example)
and you want a random organization to think it could help
PHP when your biggest user can't?

Also there's the issue that since PHP is so simple to pick
up by anyone, there's always plenty of people to replace
you when you start making demands on salary (I think this
applies very well everywhere but mostly to PHP). There
are far fewer companies who actually appreciate good
quality code and maintainability versus: we'll hire 3 cheaper
versions of you and they'll figure it out in the end. And
to be honest, it's quite exhausting to be as productive as
3 people when you also try and to things the right way
in the same amount of time.

I don't think I've said it enough time but there's a thought:
- what if php 5.5 will be the last 5.x branch?
- what if after 5.5 stable release, every core contributor
would take a deserved holiday then get in touch with
community and people like Fabien (Symfony), Matthew
(from ZF), Benjamin (Doctrine), Drupal, Wordrepss, and
so on  and so forth, to see what are their needs, where
the language should get the changes and who can help.
- what if after that, people would start on PHP 6, not 5.6
and build a better documented core? Not all the features
should get into 6.0, but having a clear roadmap would
help the life of those projects a lot. It would also help
the life of companies and users. Having a clean core
would also mean people will be able to contribute

You clearly have the expertise now to see what went
wrong in Zend Engine2, make Zend Engine3 better.

It's a big gamble to take, I know, I'm aware of it, but
without a solid foundation you can't build good things
for a long time. And you'll get into issues like the
current ones when you say: X feature will make the
language harder to maintain and so on but because
at the end of the day there's only a bunch of people
that actually understand what happens in the core
and rest are left outside, wondering how much time
can they really invest in making things better.

And in the end, if people who want to add more features
to make the language better, easier to use and develop
better applications should be allowed to get that as they
will also improve the whole lot of people coming after

Thank you! core contributors for the really hard work
you've done so far for PHP, I can't express enough
how much I really appreciate your efforts so far.

Best regards.
Florin Patan


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Zeev Suraski <> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Clint Priest []
> > Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 3:15 PM
> > To: Peter Cowburn
> > Cc: Zeev Suraski; Pierre Joye; PHP internals
> > Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Voting periods
> >
> >
> > On 1/28/2013 6:12 AM, Peter Cowburn wrote:
> > > On 28 January 2013 12:03, Clint Priest <> wrote:
> > >> If you're still worried about this making it in, don't worry. Nikita
> > >> and I have given up, to the determinant of the community.
> > >>
> > > Then please close the voting.
> > Since there is no "maximum voting period" and 5.5 is not in a feature
> freeze yet,
> > I left the voting open, in case some people decided to read the patch
> and change
> > their minds.  I see no reason to close the vote unless I'm required to
> do so or the
> > game is up.
> I think there's an almost-consensus that voting periods need to be well
> defined.  Two reasons:
> 1. If you care enough about it you should be able to vote about it within
> one or two weeks.
> 2. Leaving it open ended gives the RFC proposer too much power.  He could
> simply end the vote once it happens to reach the necessary majority.
> So I'd say yes, you're required to end it, either immediately or at most
> at the end of the two week boundary.
> > asking for this feature (present in every other modern
> > language) for 5+ years.  I spent two years going through the *tedious*
> > discussion process, wrote the software, Nikita made it even better to
> have it
> > shot down without even reasonable explanations as to why "from most
> people."
> There are two very reasonable explanations, and it's fine you may disagree
> with them:
> 1. It makes the language more complex.
> 2. It makes the language more difficult to maintain.
> In both cases, the people who opposed it thought that the gain from adding
> it doesn't outweigh these loss in complexity and maintenance overhead.
> > Some are resting on the idea that the ROI isn't there just aren't
> listening to the
> > community.
> The vast majority of the PHP community is a silent one;  These people
> don't participate here on internals;  They don't attend conferences;  They
> use it - the vast majority of them in a professional manner - and they
> picked it because they like it the way it is, not because of what it needs
> to become.  For every person that subscribes to internals, there's a
> thousand (yes, a THOUSAND) people who don't (it's several thousands vs.~5
> million).  In fact, they're not completely silent.  They speak in volumes
> - PHP 5.4 is used in less than 1% of the sites using PHP today, and even
> the relatively revolutionary 5.3 is still a lot less popular than 5.2.
> The new shiny features are not all that interesting for most people.
> The community that participates in internals isn't necessarily
> representative of the community at large.
> Zeev
> --
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