> > XDebug together with an opcode cache is always a shaky thing and not
> > something we should be too concerned about. You would never want to
> > run both in production. It would be good if they didn't clobber each
> > other for dev environment purposes, but I am sure we can figure that
> > out.
> This is the kind of info the RFC (and then user doc) should have.

It should be easy to implement the same behavior we have with Zend Debugger
today also with Xdebug.  The debugger essentially intercepts the compile()
callback before Optimizer+, and if it determines that the present request
should run through the debugger - it bypasses the Optimizer+ altogether and
calls directly into zend_compile_file().  I'll update the RFC that it should
be possible to integrate it nicely with any other modules.


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