On 6 Jul 2014, at 16:12, Jocelyn Fournier <jocelyn.fourn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's my first post in this list, and wanted to share my external point of 
> view, with a parallel with the MySQL world.

Welcome to PHP! :)

> MySQL 6 was alpha in 2007 and finally was never released.
> So far its name has never been reused (instead we had MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 to 
> avoid confusion, and there are also books about PHP 6 / MySQL 6)
> Even on the MariaDB side, they bumped up the version to 10.0 to avoid 
> confusion (and because it was not based on MySQL 5.6).

Similarly, ECMAScript 4, which was to be the replacement for ECMAScript 3, was 
abandoned and skipped, with ECMAScript 5 replacing it and ECMAScript 6/Harmony 
continuing it in spirit. There is some precedent for this.

> There are quite a few tutorials and reference about PHP 6 on the web, it 
> would be misleading to have something completely different, but with the same 
> name as the "old" PHP 6. However I'm not convinced "7" is the right choice, 
> perhaps a radical change in version number would be better ?

Well, 7 is a nice number. But yes, a more radical change might be better. How 
about PHP 14, after the year? PHP Loxodonta, a genus of elephants? PHP 14.mm, 
where mm is the month, following the Ubuntu month/year scheme?

However, all other options only seem to have fringe support at the moment, so a 
binary 6/7 vote is optimal, unless you can find a name everyone can agree on. 
Keeping with 6 or 7 means we stick to our tried and tested naming scheme, too. 
I think that’d be for the best.

Side note: another thought comes to me now that just skipping 6 and going to 7 
makes little sense in a way, as 7 isn’t the successor to 6, it is the second 
successor to 5, the first (the old PHP 6) having been abandoned.
Andrea Faulds

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