
>> That's not to say there's anything wrong with this approach, nor that
>> there isn't a ton we can learn from it. I think it's a fantastic
>> research effort and plan on digging through it myself. Thank you for
>> open sourcing it.
> Thanks for good words :)
> This work may be adopted for some specific cases.
> 25-30 times speedup on Mandelbrot allows usage for numeric calculation
> instead of C.
> anyone may repeat the language battle :)

These tests seem really odd. A 15% speed advantage over GCC -O2? Sure,
it's possible. But I don't think it's likely. It really smells to me
like bias in the testing methodology. (and the lack of an -O3 result
is suspicious as well).

And looking at the code, I can see why. The PHP version is writing to
an internal buffer, while every other version has to write to STDOUT
on every single iteration.

So you are intentionally not benchmarking the output in the PHP
version (you even explicitly call ob_start()) but are benchmarking it
in every other version. So in fact, the PHP code does something
different than the rest of the code.

Sneaky sneaky. Also completely fake. A proper methodology would have
explicitly disabled any buffer so that the tests all tested the same
thing. Or even better, build up an internal buffer in all of the
implementations. That way you can compare the computation and not rely
on STDOUT (terminal) response.


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