>       the bottom line is that you cannot renumber more frequently than
>       (DNS TTL * 2), so if you set DNS TTL to 1 day, you can only renumber
>       every other day.

And this is true no matter what sort of records you are storing your
addresses in.

However, consider a large site using two-level A6 records, one for
a prefix and one for, say, SLA+IID.  For renumbering the site, it's
only the TTL of the prefix record that limits the speed of
renumbering.  If a communicating site talks to many nodes in the
potentially-renumbering site, there's only one short-lifetime RR it
needs to keep fetching.

And recall that ipngwg and the registries have accepted the idea that
a person may carry a whole site.  The person may be moving at a
couple of hundred km/h and while continuous renumbering may not be
the preferred mode of maintaining ongoing communication, renumbering
at the departure and arrival points is quite plausible.
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