>Since you need two signatures per address (one on AAAA, one on PTR),
>figure on being able to re-sign 1500 addresses per minute per GHz of
>cpu.  Renumbering a million-address network would take a bit over 11
>GHz-hours of cpu time just for the dnssec signatures alone.

        the signing cost consideration really depends on two parameters:
        - how often do we want to renumber
        - how large is the network to get renumbered
        both must carefully be considered to diagnose if A6 gives you more
        benefits or more costs.

        because of other constraints like below, i don't think i (of any admin)
        ever want try to renumber a site with million nodes.  renumber is
        a major task which needs a lot of planning.
        - if you have hardcoded address in any of your router/host configs,
          you will be in trouble (example: IBGP peer settings, /etc/named.conf
          for zone transfer, packet filtering, anything that is written by
          numeric IPv6 address).
        - to avoid canopener-in-can situation for records pointed to by NS
          records, nameservers basically has to have "A6 0" records.
          so for these records we don't have benefit from fragmented A6 records.

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