>>I for one believe that we should assume rapid renumbering as a feature
>>of IPv6. The argument for that is the classic "fire escape" analogy. If
>>you don't practice frequent exercises, you find one the day of the
>>actual fire that a clutter of boxes blocks the escape. If we want to be
>>able to renumber when needed, then we should assume that we will
>>renumber frequently.
>It all depend on the definition of "rapid".
>If rapid means every "hours" or every "day", I find it very unlikely.
>Previous experiences in renumbering even small sites have shown me
>that the overall process can takes weeks, and that there are unavoidable
>non-technical dependencies and administrative steps that must take place
>and they consume most of the time.

        there are a couple of analysis on IPv6 network renumbering available:
        - Fred Baker's draft (where?)
        - Jinmei's presentation at IETF49?
        - I have covered some essentials in draft-ietf-dnsext-aaaa-a6-00.
        we really need to resurrect Fred's draft.
        the bottom line is that you cannot renumber more frequently than
        (DNS TTL * 2), so if you set DNS TTL to 1 day, you can only renumber
        every other day.  every hardcoded address parmeteres in every router/
        host will bite you.  renumbering is not an easy task.

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