> > However, what Erik and the MIPv6 Design Team suggested is that
  > > the "bit" is *reserved* at this time for future use.  
  > I think that's the wrong way to solve the problem.
  > either host A reliably knows the address of host B, or it doesn't.
  > reliably knowing the address of host B implies either prior 
  > configuration of A, or DNSSEC.  even the latter requires prior 
  > configuration of A to know DNSSEC keys or certs that allow it
  > to verify DNSSEC sigs on B  (the idea that just having the root 
  > keys will be sufficient to verify B's address is just fantasy).  
  > without A reliably knowing B's address, any scheme whose security 
  > depends on a bit from B's address is defeatable by a MitM.

=> How can yahoo.com reliably know any possible 

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