Keith Moore wrote:

>>First, it turns out that return routability _is_ strong enough to
>>correspond roughly to the (current) security of the IPv6 Internet.
> I don't doubt that.  But then why are we worrying about MitM attacks
> in one case and not in the other?

Are you asking why we worry about MitM for RR but not for the stronger
cases? Well, one answer is that there is a difference in the security
level of RR and CGA, as an example. But the main worry is that if
we happen to succeed in improving the overall security of IPv6 in
the future, RR might became the weakest link. The link that I gave
you make a security analysis as a "diff" to the current situation,
and if the current situation changes...

Anyway, this volume of e-mails on this thread is tiring at least
myself and perhaps we should just end this discussion for now as
we don't appear to be on a path to consensus. It's probably best
to get the mentioned draft out, and deal with all the points that
have been raised, and then get back to the issue.


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