
Have you tested hmipv6 to the scale that mobility operator working with
ISPs can cover the entire metropolis of L.A.?  

If your saying these tests can support moving a draft to PS I agree.

But I would have agreed to moving hpmipv6 to PS last year.

No one has deployed layer 3 in production environment I am aware of?

Nor would I trust it yet simply because of this mail discussion.

I will do technical detailed implementation analysis of James's draft
and have asked mobile node comrades to test it.  But I am tired of
chasing ghosts in the IETF but I will yet one more time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick 'Sharkey' Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:46 PM
To: Bound, Jim
Cc: Alper E. YEGIN; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Pekka Savola;
Subject: Re: Optimistic DAD draft ...

On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:18:52AM -0400, Bound, Jim wrote:
> Alper,
> None of us working on this are even clear layer 3 handover will ever
> work?  Not sure if that matters does it?  Are we talking about the
> future?

We're pretty clear on this: we've tested it.

The significant delays are:

* 100-1000ms Network RTT for binding updates (FIX: hmipv6, etc)
* 1000ms DAD timeout delay (FIX: Optimistic DAD, etc)
* 200ms+ L2 handover delay (argh!)


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