> In the Atlanta meeting, I voted for the Moderate usage.
> The choices were as below:
>     - Limited usage
>        only used in disconnected sites
>        no multi-site nodes
>     - Moderate usage
>        simple site-border router
>        no multi-site host or router requirements
>        two-faces/split DNS
>     - Full usage
>        require all nodes to be multi-site
>        routing protocols aware of site boundaries
>        multi-site DNS

as I recall, Moderate was never well-defined and the definition (such 
as it was) kept changing.  Also, this way of splitting things doesn't 
define how applications are supposed to deal with Moderate or Full usage, 
and that's a significant variable.

bottom line: the Atlanta poll was essentially meaningless except
to indicate that there's a significant fraction of the group
that wants to discourage SLs to some extent.

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