a billion /48 prefixes in the global routing table, what do
you call this? I call it IPv6 swamp.

Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:
It is! No question, but do you want to wait 5+ years?
You are missing the point. If we had a reasonable expectation that a
scalable flat routing protocol would be available in 5 years, I would
buy the argument. But what do we have today? Zero, not even a believable
But you think that we will have a billion multihomed networks in five years so we need to go for someting really complicated that we have no experience with?

This is why I used the term "gambling" before. What you are lobbying for
is to say that it is OK to give away PI and create the IPv6 swamp

because in 5 years we will be able to clean it because by then someone
would have invented The Perfect Routing Protocol (C)(TM).
Well, at least we would know what problem we are trying to engineer a solution for.

- kurtis -
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