In your previous mail you wrote:

   BTW, I am a bit concerned about applications that need to modify their own 
   context. How do you handle the case of an application which have several 
   threads of execution trying to modify a single context in a
   contradictory way (e.g. TMP vs PUB, etc.) ?
=> this is an implementation problem: there are a lot of possible
solutions: use a lock, use a context per thread, etc.



PS: about RFC 3484 tuning :
 - the policy table (I use it for global tuning on KAME: it works well)
 - SR2: lower/greater scope (already noticed but not yet in the document)
 - SR4: home/care-of (already in the document)
 - SR5: outgoing interface (already noticed, not yet in the document,
   no proposed wording?)
 - SR7: temporary/public (already in the document)
 - SR8: longest matching prefix (IMHO it is covered by the policy table)
 - DR4: indirect home/care-of
 - DR7: native/tunnel (something is needed here, perhaps through
   the interface stuff, aka SR5)
 - DR8: lower/greater scope (same than SR2)
 - DR9: longest matching prefix (same than SR8)
There is no equivalent in destination rules to SR7, so AI_XXXX_TMP & co
are useless (this is in fact obvious :-).
I remember there are concerns about the longest matching prefix on
more than 64 bits, perhaps we need something here too, even I don't
like the idea to fix/extend the RFC 3484 by an API (cf CGAs :-).
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