[aggregated mail :)]

Mohsen Souissi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 15 Oct, Jeroen Massar wrote:

> | Apparently there is work being done on this, but it is not very public.
> ==> AFNIC (French Registry) has been running an official IPv6-capable
> name server (ns3.nic.fr)

Yup, indeed, sorry I forgot, you have been running it and shouting
about for some time already :)
But did they put your AAAA as glue in the root already?

$ dig @e.root-servers.net ns3.nic.fr any
ns3.nic.fr.             172800  IN      A

There are quite a lot of deployments who run IPv6 transport
capable dns servers, but as long as they are not bound into
the root it has little to no sense.

> | We have www.rs.net providing this for some time, but unfortunatly
> | it has some issues: it doesn't allow 'access' to non-IPv6 capable
> | domains and there isn't a european part of that deployment; yet, I
> | understood.
> ==> Sounds ver strange... FR zone (it is a European for instance) has
> been connected to rs.net (formerly OTDR) for more than one year
> now. Both ns[12].dnssec.nic.fr (which are authoritative for FR zone in
> rs.net testbed) support both IPv4 and IPv6 transport...

Indeed, for .fr but not for the root :(
What I meant to say that if you use the "IPv6 root" and try to resolve
a domain that only has IPv4 DNS servers, eg .com, currently it works again:

com.                    518400  IN      NS      COM-A.ip4.int.
COM-A.ip4.int.          518400  IN      AAAA    <SNIP>

But it is flaky and doesn't always work unfortunatly.
The not-work part also has to do with the fact that all these
servers reside in the US and not in Europe. I understood that
Daniel Karrenberg was working on that part though...

Soohong Daniel Park wrote:
> Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > So kick your ISP, access and hosting, to get doing IPv6 and
> > if the access to that ISP can't provide native IPv6 ask them
> > to set up a tunnelbroker system, 6to4 relay etc for solving
> > that problem.
> I guess it is one of v6ops role
> ISP design team is trying to propose a valuable thing for us....

We haven't created SixXS for nothing, if an ISP needs a service
as said like above they can come to us and we will, in cooperation
with them set it up. It is a whitelabel tunnelbroker system, no
strings attached, nothing to pay, totally independent, open and
certainly not restricted to europe. </spam>

Jim Bound wrote:
> Reason, if it is to continue then additional input to response
> below would be actual deployment in process that is not waiting
> on the multihome solution specifically Military and Telco
> operations in the market and then there is the Moonv6 US Network
> Pilot in process where 25 vendors are testing products as I type
> this email.  www.moonv6.com

Neat to see such a project, a shame that I, and possibly others
didn't know about it. Speaking of which, isn't there a single
mailinglist/informationsource for finding such projects except
for googling around ofcourse or checking hs247.com but that
doesn't list it either...

Måns Nilsson wrote:
> The fix for this is 32-bit AS numbers. Those 35000 ASen will
> suffice while we look at multihoming problems and routing table
> growth.

IPv4 is 32bits, are we going to do IPv4 between the ASN's then
to keep the routing between ASN's up to scale? 32bit ASN's will
also cause a lot of changes in amongst others BGP and internals
of routers. IMHO I don't think that is the way to go. The way
to go is find a good solution now, there is enough time.


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/


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