Bill Manning wrote:

> % > is currently impossible to resolve DNS names over IPv6 transport, 
> % > because the roots don't support IPv6 transport, none of the 
> % > major gTLDs supports IPv6 transport and very few, if any, TLDs
> % > support IPv6 glue records for delegated domains.
> % 
> % Apparently there is work being done on this, but it is not very public.
> % We have www.rs.net providing this for some time, but unfortunatly
> % it has some issues: it doesn't allow 'access' to non-IPv6 capable
> % domains and there isn't a european part of that deployment; yet, I understood.
>       last I checked, sweden was nearly european... :)

Ah so the machine is active, but unfortunatly the routing is
still suboptimal with all routes to the NS's going over the US.
If wanted, I still am willing to sport a Root DNS in holland
for this project, natively connected and such. 300ms on average
is not nice performance IMHO. And it can be much better.

>       and rs.net has full access to IPv4 only domains as well.

Yes, I just checked it again and indeed it is working.
When that was introduced it was kinda flaky and I got bitten
with some mailbounces due to unknown source domains *whistle*
But that is one of the reasons that it is a testbed

>       w/in the rs.net testbed all the roots are native IPv6 enabled
>       and there are ~12 TLDs w/ fully IPv6 native servers.
>       all of those TLDs support IPv6 registration for domains.
>       its not quite as bad as you portray, in the testbed.

That was a momententary snapshot ofcourse and fortunatly we
are in a moving world that has changed positively :)


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/


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