
At 09:27 AM 11/20/2003 -0500, Soliman Hesham wrote:

 > I strongly suggest the use of "Nodes" (unqualified) in the text
 > about the 'O' bit:

=> To be clear, I was suggesting substitusting "Nodes (acting as hosts)".
I'm not sure if you're replying to my comment or in general.

Thanks for the clarification; I don't think I precisely understood your substitution.

And, now that I think about the problem a little more carefully, esp. after
reading the text you cite below from RFC 2461 (thanks for looking up the
reference), I've convinced myself the problem is a little more complicated
than I thought at first glance.

In the case of routers, I think the 'M' and 'O' bits should be
used conditionally based on configuration in the router.  That is,
I can imagine situations in which an operator would want to
control the behavior of several routers on a link through
the 'M' and 'O' bits, while in other situations an operator
would want to configure each router manually, ignoring the
'M' and 'O' bits...

 > However, there is some question about any discussion of "nodes" and
 > RAs, as there may be text in RFC 2461 (I'm working from
 > memory, here, which
 > in my case is a remarkably unreliable service; I hope
 > someone more familiar
 > with RFC 2461 can confirm or deny) that allows or requires
 > routers to ignore RAs.

=> In 6.2.7 :

   Routers SHOULD inspect valid Router Advertisements sent by other
   routers and verify that the routers are advertising consistent
   information on a link.  Detected inconsistencies indicate that one or
   more routers might be misconfigured and SHOULD be logged to system or
   network management.  The minimum set of information to check

- Cur Hop Limit values (except for the unspecified value of zero).

- Values of the M or O flags.

- Reachable Time values (except for the unspecified value of zero).

Whether that means routers can also act upon the information
they receive is of course a separate issue. But at least
it is clear that routers are not required to automatically drop RAs.


 > - Ralph
 > At 09:06 AM 11/20/2003 -0500, Soliman Hesham wrote:
 > >  >
 > >  > Is there a reason to differentiate between nodes acting as
 > >  > hosts here, but
 > >  > not in the paragraph describing the behavior in response to
 > >  > the 'M' bit?
 > >
 > >=> In general, unless previously discussed and rejected for some
 > >reason, I'd globally: s/Nodes (acting as hosts)/host
 > >
 > >It's a bit clumsy to read as it is.
 > >
 > >Hesham
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