Pekka - The specific text is ambiguous ... however, in John's
message of 11/20, there is a sentence later in the same paragraph:

   In this context, 'use DHCP' means trying to obtain only other
   configuration information through DHCP, not address(es).

That sentence clarifies the text I quoted.

- Ralph

At 04:29 PM 11/20/2003 +0200, Pekka Savola wrote:
On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Ralph Droms wrote:
> I strongly suggest the use of "Nodes" (unqualified) in the text
> about the 'O' bit:
>     IPv6 Nodes that implement DHCP, MUST use DHCP upon
>     the receipt of a Router Advertisement with the 'O' flag set (see
>     section 5.5.3 of RFC2462).
> There is no reason a router can't use DHCPv6 for other configuration
> information.

I agree on this point.

However, the text you quote is ambiguous, which was the reason for my
rewording proposal.  If A node gets 'O' -bit advertisement (without M
bit), and implements DHCP, should it try to run it in "stateless
mode", without trying to get addresses or not?

That is, "use DHCP" is not clear because it can refer to getting
addresses, other config information or both.

Similarly, "implement DHCP" is not clear, because you can implement
full or stateless DHCP, which provide different functions.

This text needs a bit of revising.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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