On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 09:27:27AM -0500, Soliman Hesham wrote:
> => In 6.2.7 :
>    Routers SHOULD inspect valid Router Advertisements sent by other
>    routers and verify that the routers are advertising consistent
>    information on a link.  Detected inconsistencies indicate that one or
>    more routers might be misconfigured and SHOULD be logged to system or
>    network management.  The minimum set of information to check
>    includes:
>     - Cur Hop Limit values (except for the unspecified value of zero).
>     - Values of the M or O flags.
>     - Reachable Time values (except for the unspecified value of zero).

Presumably this means consistent RA information for the same prefix?  I guess
that's implicit, but it is quite possible that two prefixes will be seen,
one with M bit clear and one with M bit set if you use two upstream providers
with different address assignment policies?
So I guess the question is what is "consistent information"?  The same bits
set for the same prefix?


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