> Baseline is, it would be good to postpone the deprecation discussion and
> at the same time update the definition of the use of the M/O bits. I can
> think of scenarios where M/O is useful but the mental picture of these
> is not clear enough yet to really make a point. Deciding upon
> deprecation or not would be premature at this point of time, IMHO.

I am sorry, but I draw the opposite conclusion. The progression along the standard 
track is supposed to reflect implementation experience (DS) and wide interoperability 
(IS). As you mention in your mail, implementers have barely started implementing the 
M/O bit, if at all. As such, the M/O part of the spec does not have the level of 
maturity required for a full standard, and just does not belong in 2462bis. 

The proper procedure would be to remove it from 2642bis, and to progress it if needed 
in a separate effort.

-- Christian Huitema

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