On Apr 26, 2004, at 11:29 PM, JINMEI Tatuya / [EMAIL PROTECTED]@C#:H wrote:
I would first like to be sure if it is okay to recycle the document as DS even with the lack of implementation on a part of the protocol description (in this case, the receiving side of the M flag), *process-wise*. If it's not okay, all the discussion we are having is meaningless; Regardless of whether we prefer the idea of deprecating the flag, or whether what Christian said is valid or not, we have no other choice than deprecating/removing the feature (though there may be some compromise on the details of "deprecate"). If it's okay, then we can continue the discussion.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. IMHO, it is not OK to keep the document as DS with O&M given the general lack of implementation. - Alain.

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