On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 09:26:02AM -0400, Ralph Droms wrote:
> Seems to me it would be useful to allow both M and O flag on.
> While, in theory, the support for the subset of DHCPv6 indicated
> by the O bit is implied by the support for all of DHCPv6
> indicated by the M bit, it seems there would be little harm
> in advertising both.
> Some hosts may choose to use both the Request message exchange
> for address assignment and the Information-Request message
> exchange for other information.  For example, an application
> may need other configuration information that was not supplied
> during the initial Request message exchange, requiring a
> subsequent Informaton-Request message exchange for that
> information.  There are DHCPv4 hosts that work this way today.

Agreed, but wouldn't it always be ok for the host to do
Information-Request message exchange for other information when M
is on?

My thinking is:

M=0, O=0 stateless autoconf of addresses
M=0, O=1 stateless autoconf of addresses + information-request
M=1, O=0 stateful autoconf of addresses

where the latter includes information-requests for other config
if client wants.

I believe in the latter case a client only implementing the
Information-Request message exchange or with manually configured
addresses, may possibly only use information-request.


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