On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 10:41:08AM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> We still have a chance IPv4 mapped to at least _deprecate_, that is what
> I mentioned in my other message, the usage of these addresses and to
> note that implementors should really be using separate sockets, which is
> also what getaddrinfo() tells one to do.

RFC3493 solves this by having IPV6_V6ONLY. We just need to wait for
all platforms to implement it :)

> What has Netscape to do with Apache? Or am I really missing something?
> Then again I don't follow corporate takeovers and such, got better
> things to do; Netscape do have some influence with Mozilla/Firefox et
> al, and they also had a lot of problems with this, they actually almost
> refused to do a Windows IPv6 version because they didn't understand the
> concept of a separate IPv6 and IPv4 socket. Also see:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=175340

Just to clear things up, I wrote a lot of the code that deals with it in
Apache httpd, and apr. And I've never worked for Netscape. I think Jim
may be implying that Netscape took a different (possibly superiour)
approach.  I know not :)

> There are many more examples of code out on the internet that
> demonstrate that having the v4-mapped addresses only gives a lot of
> issues. You haven't named one application though that does not have it.

In fairness, this does not matter. mapped-addresses are useful from
a certain perspective anyway. If there is some in-house trivial
application that only needs to run on Linux, there is no good reason 
why mapped-addresses should not be used as an easy migration.

Whether or not the portability problems outweigh this kind of limited
benefit is a subjective judegment call - and one on which consensus is
unlikely to ever be reached.

RFC3493 encourages vendors to implement the IPV6_V6ONLY option
(something neither 2133 nor 2553 had), so that's the nod that's needed
on this front.

Really the only remaining portability issue is the default behaviour of
bind(::) (without any specific options set). 

So in summary, my mind has been changed a little on mapped-addresses
- in that although I wouldn't use them, they have a use in limited
  circumstances - but some kind of encouragement to vendors to
consolidate a standard behavior for a bind/listen call could be

Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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