On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 01:59:10PM -0500, Brian Haberman wrote:
> Issue 1: Restrict operation of the protocol to link-local use.
> Resolution:
>      The consensus is to retain the more flexible multi-hop capability.
>      An additional sentence or two will be added to the Security
>      Considerations section recommending the filtering of these
>       messages at administrative boundaries.

FWIW, I'd be in favour of this. I usually use node information
queries on ff02::1, but I have had occasion to use them on machines
further away in an effort to figure out what was going on.

> Issue 2: Change multicast range used for Queries.
> Resolution:
>      This change will be made.  There will not be a "compatibility"
>      knob for operation with older implementations.  The addition
>      of such a knob will make operational use too complex.  This
>      should simplify the use, but will require a code change.

I'm not so keen on this idea, as I occasionally do things like:

% ping6 -w -I em0 -N unconfigured.soekris.box
PING6(72=40+8+24 bytes) fe80::20d:56ff:fe22:320c%em0 --> ff02::2:52c0:b234
46 bytes from fe80::20d:56ff:fe22:320c%em0: unconfigured.soekris.box.
46 bytes from fe80::20d:56ff:fe22:320c%em0: unconfigured.soekris.box.
46 bytes from fe80::20d:56ff:fe22:320c%em0: unconfigured.soekris.box.
46 bytes from fe80::20d:56ff:fe22:320c%em0: unconfigured.soekris.box.
% ssh fe80::20d:56ff:fe22:320c%em0

I haven't scripted this yet, so during the transition I'll just
have to remember to use twice as many pings or the address ff02::1
instead. I guess that won't kill me ;-)

I note that Apple's Airport Express partially supports node information
queries. If you leave a "ping6 -w ff02::1" running while it boots,
you can see its initial hostname is something like "vxworksimage"
before being set to its configured value. However, my Airport doesn't
seem to join a name-specific multicast group, so this change probably
won't have any impact on Airports.


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