> > This is the crux of the fundamental underlying disagreement 
 > > we are having on what we are trying to solve here.
 > > 
 > > In my view, it is nuts to have devices "that choose to 
 > > implement only stateless addrconf" because they are "simple" 
 > > or "perfectly happy" or something. If we go down this route, 
 > > it is not an operational choice whether to run DHC, because 
 > > implementations have already made that choice.
 > I agree with you 100% that implementing only stateless
 > because it is simpler is "nuts". If you look at the number
 > of packets that need to be exchanged, DHCP is really not that
 > hard.
 > However, one need to deal with today's reality.
 > It seems to still be the case in 2006 that most implementations only
 > offer stateless autoconf. There is some kind of myth that this
 > is "enough".

=> Hmm. I find both of the statements above surprising. 
It's not a myth that the node requirements document says 
that stateless is the only mandatory option. You can't blame an
implementer for not implementing a MAY in the doc. 


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