On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 09:16 -0400, Brian Haberman wrote:
> Hi Pars,
>        One issue I see with this is string internationalization.  
> Defining the format of a name is not trivial given the current work to 
> internationalize names, strings, etc. to support languages that do not 
> use a Latin-based alphabet.  For example, how would one format a name 
> in a double-byte language is well outside the scope of the IPv6 WG.


Thanks. I was expecting this kind of remark. I'll try to make
reference to an existing standard language, in a future version 
of the draft (if technically possible).

I will also specify which hash function to use etc. 



> Regards,
> Brian
> On Jul 11, 2006, at 5:17, Pars Mutaf wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 17:04 -0700, Peter Sherbin wrote:
> >> Pars,
> >>
> >> Why would you need IETF to tell you which human name format to use. 
> >> Technically any
> >> and all bits to the right of the network boundary are yours and you 
> >> can do with them
> >> whatever you want.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > That's right, we can do whatever we want. However:
> >
> > If my host configures an interface ID from 64bithash(pars mutaf),
> > but someone tries to reach me at 64bithash(parsmutaf),
> > this won't work.. A standard human name format is needed.
> >
> > (is this off-topic?)
> >
> > pars
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Peter
> >>
> >> --- Pars MUTAF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> For example, we are in the same campus. The campus is covered
> >>> by a single subnet with several wireless access points. I need
> >>> to call you. But there is a problem and I can't get the IPv6 address
> >>> of your cellular phone (DNS, or MIPv6 home agent failure).
> >>>
> >>> But, I suspect
> >>> that you are probably in the campus (because you work here).
> >>> Since we are in the same campus (and, in this example, in the same
> >>> subnet), we are receiving the same router advertisements. 
> >>> Consequently,
> >>> I know your subnet prefix. I also know your name, then
> >>> I can construct your HUMID (interface ID based on HUMan name).
> >>> It is: 64bithash(Bob Hinden). Then, I can reach you (if you're really
> >>> in the campus).
> >>>
> >>> Now, imagine a different campus. This campus is covered by 5
> >>> subnets. I work in this
> >>> campus. In the past I visited different
> >>> parts of the campus, and my phone recorded all of the subnet prefixes
> >>> that it received from the routers (in the recent past). My phone
> >>> has now the list of subnets that cover the subnet (more or less).
> >>>
> >>> I suspect that you're currently in the campus. But I am
> >>> not sure which part of it. I know your name. I can construct
> >>> your HUMID. My phone has a list of 5 locations (subnets) where you
> >>> (and your phone) is likely to be found. It sends a packet to the
> >>> IPv6 addresses:
> >>>
> >>> subnet_prefix1 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> >>> subnet_prefix2 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> >>> subnet_prefix3 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> >>> subnet_prefix4 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> >>> subnet_prefix5 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> >>>
> >>> If you are really in the campus, I can reach you
> >>> even if DNS or your MIPv6 home agent is down.
> >>>
> >>> We can replace the word "campus" with building, or village or city if
> >>> we wish.
> >>>
> >>> Now, imagine that we are in Paris. I suspect (or I am sure) that 
> >>> you're
> >>> currently in this city. I may even know in which part of Paris
> >>> you're currently located (this is the case for my friends who live 
> >>> here
> >>> for example). I have to reach you but your MIPv6 home
> >>> agent is unreachable. There are two possibilities:
> >>> First, my phone may have learned the subnet prefixes that cover
> >>> Paris (as I traveled in Paris... more or less). I can send packets 
> >>> to:
> >>>
> >>> subnet_prefix1 | hash(Bob Hinden)
> >>> subnet_prefix2 | hash(Bob Hinden)
> >>> ...
> >>> subnet_prefixn | hash(Bob Hinden)
> >>>
> >>> Secondly, I can ask Google.
> >>> Google has a map of the world, and all information that comes along.
> >>> In the new world of wireless IPv6 internet, Google will probably have
> >>> the map of wireless IPv6 subnet prefixes that covers the world. What 
> >>> is the
> >>> quality of service in that subnet, how much it will cost? etc.. 
> >>> Google
> >>> will tell me.
> >>>
> >>> So since you're unreachable using existing techniques, my phone
> >>> asks me:
> >>>
> >>> Want to search Bob Hinden? (I say yes).
> >>> Enter location: (I say Paris, or choose a more precise location
> >>> in a map on the screen of my phone).
> >>>
> >>> My phone downloads the lists of subnets that cover your location
> >>> from Google and starts searching you.
> >>>
> >>> Searching Bob Hinden. This will take a while...
> >>>
> >>> I take my coffee. 5 minutes later my phone beeps and says:
> >>>
> >>> Located Bob Hinden, calling him..
> >>>
> >>> I'm happy because, I could reach you although your home agent is
> >>> down (or another problem).
> >>>
> >>> ===
> >>>
> >>> The above examples may or may not convince you. But the first one at 
> >>> least
> >>> (with single subnet) is really easy to do. In my personal opinion, 
> >>> the others
> >>> are also possible (why not?).
> >>>
> >>> Please recall that all the IETF needs to do is to answer:
> >>>
> >>> John Smith
> >>> johnsmith
> >>> john smith
> >>> etc.
> >>>
> >>> which human name format should be used to construct a HUMID??
> >>>
> >>> The rest is application layer software work, making the phones
> >>> more intelligent etc.. This is not too difficult.
> >>>
> >>> And, perhaps, your phone will more likely be connecting people ;-)
> >>>
> >>> Thanks!
> >>>
> >>> pars
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Selon Bob Hinden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>
> >>>> Pars,
> >>>>
> >>>>>> Ignoring for now if this is good or bad idea, but you might look 
> >>>>>> at
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    
> >>>>>> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-name-
> >>>>>> lookups-15.txt
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It looks like ICMP name lookups can also be used to do the same 
> >>>>> thing.
> >>>>> However, I couldn't understand why I would use a side protocol
> >>>>> (i.e. an ICMP protocol).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My proposal uses basic IPv6. BTW, the draft is now available at
> >>>>> the IETF site:
> >>>>> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-mutaf-ipv6humid-00.txt
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> My suggestion was to look at the mechanisms in this document.  It a
> >>>> lot more specific than just saying "hash(John Smith)".
> >>>>
> >>>>>> There is a mechanism there to create multicast addresses based on 
> >>>>>> a
> >>>>>> host name that might be a starting point.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I would like to configure an interface ID
> >>>>>>> hash(ParsMutaf| 1) and if it collides
> >>>>>>> hash(ParsMutaf| 2) etc..
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You can try reach or locate me
> >>>>>>> by sending a packet to (please do not
> >>>>>>> hesitate):
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> subnetprefix | hash(ParsMutaf| 1) or
> >>>>>>> subnetprefix | hash(ParsMutaf| 2)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The big usage problem here is that without knowing your 
> >>>>>> "subnetprfix"
> >>>>>> it won't be very useful.  That leads me to wonder how useful it 
> >>>>>> would
> >>>>>> be to find you.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If we are in the same subnet (same building, campus, village, city,
> >>>>> etc), we already know the destination's subnet prefix.
> >>>>
> >>>> I don't understand how knowing the building, campus, etc., helps to
> >>>> know the subnet prefix.  Please explain.
> >>>>
> >>>>>> Also, see the above referenced ID.  It's not too hard to do this 
> >>>>>> on a
> >>>>>> single link, but trying to scale this to the Internet gets very 
> >>>>>> hard
> >>>>>> very fast.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In fact, it doesn't have to scale to the Internet. We may
> >>>>> know the whereabouts of the destination node. In other words, we 
> >>>>> may
> >>>>> have a list of subnet prefixes that cover the target zone where
> >>>>> the destination user lives.
> >>>>> (obtained from Google for example, or another service like that).
> >>>>
> >>>> How does google help with this?
> >>>>
> >>>>> If one of the single point of failures (e.g. DNS, or Mobile IPv6 
> >>>>> home
> >>>>> agent) is unreachable, I can search the destination node by sending
> >>>>> packets to its HUMID at different subnets where it is likely to be
> >>>>> found.
> >>>>
> >>>> I understand your intent, but for this to be useful, there has to be
> >>>> a way to learn the subnet prefix.  For example, you know my name.
> >>>> What is my current subnet prefix (without looking in the email 
> >>>> headers)?
> >>>>
> >>>>>> It is probably better for the earthquake scenario you
> >>>>>> describe to do this at a higher level (e.g., have a website called
> >>>>>> "i-
> >>>>>> am-alive.org" and make it easy for people to leave messages and 
> >>>>>> for
> >>>>>> people to search people they are trying to find out about).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The "i-am-alive.org" approach may suffer from the same problems.
> >>>>> I.e. it may be unreachable. In addition, who will maintain such a
> >>>>> web site... Nobody cares until the disaster actually happens.
> >>>>
> >>>>> In fact, the disaster scenario is not the only motivation IMO.
> >>>>> For example, I want to install an IPv6 testbed with 'n' machines.
> >>>>> I'm not installing DNS and I'm not configuring the /etc/hosts
> >>>>> files (because n times (n-1) entries would be needed).
> >>>>
> >>>> Seems to me if routing and forwarding is working, then DNS is 
> >>>> working
> >>>> too.
> >>>>
> >>>> Bob
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> Using HUMID, I can give IPv6 addresses based
> >>>>> on imaginary human names to the machines (during installation).
> >>>>> Human name is easy to remember. No need to configure stateful
> >>>>> name->address mappings. I can start to ping right away.
> >>>>>
> >>>
> >> === message truncated ===
> >>
> >>
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> >
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