
On Jun 8, 2006, at 4:35 AM, ext Pars Mutaf wrote:


Is there a standard way of constructing
an interface ID from human name?

Ignoring for now if this is good or bad idea, but you might look at

http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-name- lookups-15.txt

There is a mechanism there to create multicast addresses based on a host name that might be a starting point.

I would like to configure an interface ID
hash(ParsMutaf| 1) and if it collides
hash(ParsMutaf| 2) etc..

You can try reach or locate me
by sending a packet to (please do not

subnetprefix | hash(ParsMutaf| 1) or
subnetprefix | hash(ParsMutaf| 2)

The big usage problem here is that without knowing your "subnetprfix" it won't be very useful. That leads me to wonder how useful it would be to find you.

Is there a standard way of doing this?
For example there should be space between
first and last name? etc.

On Jun 12, 2006, at 1:35 AM, ext Pars Mutaf wrote:

No it is a good question.

The idea is that when the DNS is down (or unreachable),
and/or Mobile IPv6 home agent is down etc, and there is no way
to locate and reach the destination host, then I can try to
use this technique.

Imagine an earthquake scenario. In Turkey in 1999
cellular phones saved lives. Imagine you are trying to call
someone, but you can't get his address because
of some infrastructure failures. etc..

You know his name, then using hash(firstname lastname) you can
construct his interface ID. This might be helpful. You can
try to reach him at its human Ipv6 address. Hopefully his phone
configured a human Ipv6 address.

Also, see the above referenced ID. It's not too hard to do this on a single link, but trying to scale this to the Internet gets very hard very fast. It is probably better for the earthquake scenario you describe to do this at a higher level (e.g., have a website called "i- am-alive.org" and make it easy for people to leave messages and for people to search people they are trying to find out about).

Doing it on a single link might be useful in some adhoc scenarios.


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