Templin, Fred L wrote:
Maybe somebody ought to write a very short I-D just to set the record straight.

It looks like there was at least one attempt to do that; see:

I think Chris Newman probably works for Sun now. It appears he is active in sasl.

I think the document needs a discussion/reproduction of the stuff in Appendix B of RFC 791.

I would be willing to take on updating this doc if Chris doesn't want to follow through.
I don't know the status of this effort, and I don't know whether
there would be support to revive it. But, this subject seems to
to fall within the auspices of the (unwritten) "IETF Reference

I sent a note to the IAB a while back asking why there wasn't
a "Terminology of the IETF" reference document (i.e., one that
defines common terms like "link", "node", "host", "router",
etc.). But, the more I think about it, the more I think that
this would be counter-culture to the way the IETF works.
I guess there are several different classes of item to consider
- the common terms could well be defined in a wiki - pointing at relevant RFCs - there are some fundamental design decisions such as the network byte order (what else?) which should IMO have RFCs - there are architectural principles - it is probably about time somebody took a critical look at RFC 1958 to check it is still up to date - maybe Brian does this already! - BCP type advice on how to design certain critical things (generally done as IAB pronouncements) - opinions on missing important ones gratefully received!
IMHO, the "IETF Reference Architecture" exists, but it
is documented in a "bottom-up" fashion and is fragmented
across the standards-track RFCs. To bring the fragmented
pieces into a single document that captures the IETF
architecture would seem like a worthy goal, but would
it be acceptable to the "Tao" of the IETF?

Do we need a more detailed and unified "IETF Reference
Architecture" document, or are existing documents like
RFC1958 enough?
Interesting question.  Have to think what might go into it.


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