On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:27:23 -0700
Scott Leibrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
> >> I'm inclined to believe that dual-stack provider networks are going to
> >> be relatively rare, and may not exist at all. I think it'll either be
> >>     
> >
> >     WIDE and two of the biggest japanese ISPs are already dual-stacked,
> >     and if my guess is right it has been so for more than 5 years.
> >     it is not economical to purchase separate trans-pafici circuit.
> >   

Oh ok. Down here in .au our perspective on things like IPv6 deployment
tends to get warped by being an English speaking country. I know Japan
has IPv6 quite widely deployed, however we rarely if ever see any
English news about it.

> Itojun,
> I believe he was referring to the *method* of supporting both IPv4 and 
> IPv6, and arguing that core routers will tend to be addressed with 
> either IPv4 or IPv6, but not both.  Instead, support for the second 
> protocol will tend to be provided by edge routers tunneling across the 
> core (using 6PE, softwires, or another method), rather than by native IP 
> forwarding by core routers.  These solutions don't require separate 
> circuits for IPv6 and IPv4 traffic.

That's what I was trying to say. It seems to me that the relative
simplicity of a single core forwarding protocol and more general
purpose characteristics (of MPLS, GRE or L2TP) of these "edge-to-edge
tunnelling methods" might to be more appealing than dual-stack for
those who haven't already deployed dual-stack, in particular if they're
facing a hardware or software upgrade cycle to get there.

> Are you familiar enough with the internal addressing of those Japanese 
> ISPs to say whether they address their core routers with both IPv6 and IPv4?
> Another consideration is how big a given network's "core" is.  In the 
> case of a geographically constrained network, it may be quite small, and 
> a dual-stack core may make more sense than MPLS.  For large global 
> networks, however, it appears to me that tunneling across the core is 
> becoming the preferred mode of operation.
> -Scott


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