Hi Brian,

On 10-08-04 11:58 AM, Brian Haberman wrote:

     First off, this type of change is not appropriate for AUTH48.

I am not certain whether this is appropriate, but I think this issue should be fixed before publication. Otherwise the document fails to achieve its stated goal. e.g. An address


can still show up as either

2001:db8:0:0:0:0:2:1 or 2001:db8::2:1

and still be compliant to this document.

My original suggestion to fix this was to add a sub section

4.2.0 Mandatory usage
   If the address contains at least two consecutive 16-bit 0 fields,
"::" MUST be used to compress consecutive 16-bit 0 fields as described
in the following sections.

I also like Roman's suggested text.


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