On 2010-08-05 09:15, Suresh Krishnan wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> On 10-08-04 03:21 PM, Brian Haberman wrote:
>> Suresh,
>> On 8/4/10 2:46 PM, Suresh Krishnan wrote:
> ...
>>> Not really. The text you quoted does not state whether "::" MUST always
>>> be used if it is possible to do so. It only states that when used, it
>>> must be used to the maximum capability.
>> I disagree.  The rule plainly states that "::" must be used to its
>> maximum capability.  I view that as saying you must use it if it is at
>> all possible AND use it where it creates the highest level of
>> compression.  I don't see any wiggle room in the rule to allow someone
>> to not use "::" when it can be applied.
> Since we are reading the same text and coming up with different
> conclusions, I would argue that the text needs tightening. In fact this
> issue came up because of a post to the IPv6 mailing list by Brett Tate
> in April asking the exact same question.
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipv6/current/msg11684.html
> The exact question he asked was
> "Concerning "::" usage, is the requirement that
> 1) "::" MUST be used when valid, or
> 2) only that if used, it MUST be used to its maximum capability?"

It seems clear to me that
a) the text needs clarifying to answer this;
b) the clarification should be done in as few words as possible;
c) this is a substantive technical change, not editing;
d) the document is not fit for purpose without this clarification.

Therefore, I see no alternative to withdrawing the draft from
the RFC Editor, and going once more through the WGLC/IETF LC/IESG

Sorry, but those are the rules of our game. If done smartly, it should
only take 6 or 7 weeks. And I thank the authors for their work; this
is a minor glitch.

   Brian Carpenter
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