----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Morrow" <christopher.mor...@gmail.com>
To: "Mikael Abrahamsson" <swm...@swm.pp.se>
Cc: <ipv6@ietf.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 4:17 PM
> this is a case where 'listen to how the network is operated today,
> please.' is required I think. There are business reasons that things
> are done as they are in real networks supporting many millions of
> people.
I don't buy the line that the IETF has insufficient representation from
operators but I think that your comment on business reasons is
spot on.  The IETF is about engineering and sometimes, hopefully
often, that will provide a solution.  But there is always the alternative
of a business solution which may override engineering, and that is something
that the IETF should stay away from; it lacks the skills in that field.
There has been a lot of business/economics in places such as the RRG
and what I see is the IETF (or IRTF) lacks the skills ever to achieve rough
consensus in that area.

So the onus is on operators to turn their good business reasons into
engineering problems, eg as a requirements RFC, that the IETF will then solve.

Tom Petch

> >> SAVI and things like SeND are beneficial halfway measures, avoiding full
> >> quarantining.
> >
> > I don't agree. Full quarantining is expensive and one definitely wants to
> > avoid it, it's more cost efficient to share L2 but do other things to make
> > sure people can't source traffic they shouldn't.
> "which is available today in production networks using ipv4, and until
> these capabilities are available in IPv6 as well, there will continue
> to be less deployment than we all want." (I think was the end of the
> sentence/intent there)
> As an aside, railing against "why are not more operators
> participating" is hard to stomach when the next version of sentence
> is: "you are doing it wrong because that large network you run already
> can't possibly work that way in ipv6-land".
> -chris
> (thanks mikael!)
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