On 2010-09-20 17:31, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>> Thanks for that. Now, what is needed for those techniques to be
>> fully deployable for IPv6, except work by the vendor(s)? Is there
>> any work needed on the basic IPv6 standards?
> Well, I think what would help is to be able to run a DHCPv6 only
> environment without RA/RS, it would also help if one didn't need NS
> either. The whole L2 environment would need a lot less code, it
> basically would only need to be able to filter the above mechanisms, not
> inspect them.

I think the technical issue there is that ND and RA were designed as a
package, and you certainly can't run without ND.

[Historical note: the ND/RA design was done at a time when all we
had deployed was ARP, because DHCP was not yet mature, and most of us
were still configuring IPv4 hosts manually. ND/RA seemed like an
enormous leap forward.]

>>> But as Fred also mentioned, SAVI WG is working in specifically this area
>>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/savi/charter/>
>> Sure. Are you holding your breath?
> Well, duplicating work is probably a bad idea. They have running code, I
> don't see why people who want to fix this shouldn't join them in their
> effort. Am I missing something?

I'm just wondering how many years it will be before SAVI is an off-the-shelf
multivendor solution.

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