On Sep 11, 2010, at 1:06 AM, t.petch wrote:
> So the onus is on operators to turn their good business reasons into 
> engineering problems, eg as a requirements RFC, that the IETF will then solve.

Thanks. I gather the operators have gotten a lot of bashing from IETF 
participants in the past; I'm sorry for that, and apologize if I was involved. 
What I see in the present, and specifically in this thread and similar threads 
in v6ops and other places, is the reverse: operator bashing of the IETF.

Vendors, generally speaking, are not interested in building castles in the sky. 
They are interested in solving customer problems, which is to say creating 
solutions - products and features - that operators are interested in buying. 
Operators are interested in how the solutions work, but in general are far more 
interested in how they can be used to solve the business problems you speak of. 
If there is a single reason that vendors are more obvious in the IETF (which I 
will argue is the case, not that they are the only ones present), it is that 
the IETF is about building solutions, and therefore very much the domain of 
people that make products and features, just as the *NOGs are very much the 
domain of people that use those solutions.

To that end, the IETF has since the beginning been a place where customer and 
vendor meet and write - academic research, vendors, and enterprise, access, and 
transit network operators. I can point to RFC and RFC that I have written and 
that others have written that have combined operational, vendor, and researcher 
authorship. When any person in any of those camps shows disrespect toward 
another, he says more about himself than about the party or camp he is 

If I may make a humble request - could we get back to work, please?
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