On Jun 23, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Philip Homburg wrote:
> Ideally, clients use end-to-end crypto to keep themselves secure, but the
> network still has to be protected against denial of service attacks.

No, strictly speaking the *clients* need to be protected against DoS attacks.   
One way to do this is to strongly control multicast on the network.   But the 
network itself cannot suffer from rogue RA advertisements: it is other clients 
on the network that suffer.   I realize that this seems like a trivial 
distinction, but I think it's important to be clear about it, because it's not 
always a safe assumption that any given network will be protected, and hence if 
we really care about DoS attacks as a general problem, we need to address the 
problem in a way that will work not just on hub-and-spoke networks, but on 
broadcast networks as well.

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