On Jun 23, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Manfredi, Albert E wrote:

> Ted Lemon wrote:
>> That's correct.   Ultimately the security of the client depends on the
>> client being secure.   Trying to secure the client by securing the
>> network is a noble cause, but ultimately doomed to failure, because you
>> can't control what networks the client connects to.
> No, I think you have it backwards.
> It is service providers that are interested in protecting their networks, in 
> this discussion. If they also happen to protect their clients, that is just a 
> nice byproduct.
> Service providers want to keep malicious clients from degrading their network.

as the former operator of some university residence hall networks, the goal is 
to minimize damage in a common l2 broadcast domain. Misconfigured or malicious 
users both cause similar sorts of damage, there's dramatically more of the 
former than the later.

> Bert
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