On Jun 23, 2011, at 2:36 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> I don't see how it can be fixed. Short of encrypting all traffic and 
> pre-distributing keys, ethernet can't be fixed without the "bandaids" you 
> seem to call the measures being used widely to assure ethernet can in fact be 
> used securely.

There probably is no single solution.   But let's consider the solution Mark 
proposed: use the fact that you control the infrastructure to control the flow 
of packets on the network in such a way that rogue RAs cannot reach leaf nodes. 
  The reason I object to this solution, in addition to the fact that it breaks 
multicast, is that it's a firewall solution: the client doesn't know it's safe, 
and as soon as it connects to a network that's not protected in this way, it's 
vulnerable.   But the model of using infrastructure control as a credential is 

Is there a way that someone who is not running 802.1x can demonstrate that they 
control layer 2?   It seems to me that for most examples of Layer 2 that we 
care about, the answer is probably yes.   So then if the secure link to the 
router can be used to communicate a secret, and the network can provide that 
secret back to the user in a way that a rogue RA agent could not do, then the 
end node can discriminate between rogue RAs and legitimate RAs.

E.g., suppose we have a WiFi network secured with WPA.   WPA uses an X.509 cert 
to establish the identity of the WPA server.   If the private key authenticated 
by the cert is used to sign the secret the client provides, then the client can 
be sure that the router it is talking to is controlled by the same entity that 
controls WPA.   Since WPA is tied directly to the infrastructure, that's proof 
that the router is managed by the infrastructure provider.
Another solution that would work well in the case of frequently-visited 
networks would be the model that ssh uses: keep a list of good routers.   When 
you connect to a wire, prefer routers on the "good" list to new routers.   If 
no RAs come from routers on the "good" list, then you need a heuristic to 
decide whether or not a new router is good.   The mechanism I described in the 
previous paragraph could be used to handle some exceptional cases; other 
heuristics could be used to handle cases where the link is not secured in any 
way: if I try to establish secure connections, and those connections turn out 
to be exposed to MITM attacks, then the router (and hence, the RA from that 
router) are not trustworthy.

The problem with this stuff is not that it's impossible.   It's that it's not 
simple.   If you want your communications to be secure, you have to secure 
them.   If all your communications are secure, then a rogue RA can only do two 
things: deny service, or allow an attacker to do traffic analysis and/or 
cryptanalysis that would not otherwise be possible.

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