On Jul 13, 2011, at 9:51 AM, RJ Atkinson wrote:

> On Weds 13 July 2011 at 11:54:08 -0400, Joel Halpern wrote:
>> There appear to be several different cases, which can be addressed 
>> by different reasonable mechanisms (not firewalls, and not lengthening
>> the subnet prefix.)
>> For ISPs, I would assume the primary concern is routers connecting 
>> to subnets used to provide services. A non-dynamic approach to ND
>> can address that.
>> For ISPs providing bridged residential services, the ISP normally 
>> operates on the basis that it gets registration information 
>> from all the devices in the home.  Thus, it does not need
>> to generate ND solicitations.
> Agreed.
> I do think it would be useful to have an informational document
> that describes the issue, describes the several cases, and outlines 
> some reasonable mechanisms (possibly separate mechanisms for each case),
> both for the benefit of network operations folks and also for
> the benefit of equipment suppliers.

we discussed some possible (but certainly incomplete) mitigations in:


but we also proposed changes to v6nd so that's why we brought it to 6man

> Perhaps I am confused, but such a document sounds more like an IPv6 Ops WG 
> item than an IPv6 WG item.  So I'm wondering whether this thread belongs 
> over there rather than here.

possibly, probably it straddles both groups.

> Yours,
> Ran
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